Mongo JEE

This page display the list of articles called « Mongo JEE » :

Step Extrait
[step0] introduce Mongo JEE articles, install and initialize Mongo DB websites database with Mongo Shell scripts.
[step1] manage with Java code basic mongo operations (insert, remove etc) with Mongo Java Driver and Pojo Mapper.
[step2] create a WebApp application composed with a Servlet which connects to the Mongo DB and returns the JSON stream array of the logs collection in the HTTP response.
[step3] improve logs servlet with Mongo JEE.
[step4] transform the logs servlet with JAX-RS logs service by using StreamingOutput and Apache CXF as JAX-RS implementation.
[step5] modify the JAX-RS logs service to return List of Pojo instead of using StreamingOutput by using JAX-RS provider of Apache CXF JSONProvider.
[step6] modify the JAX-RS logs service to return Mongo DBCursor instead of using StreamingOutput by using JAX-RS providers of Mongo JEE.
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  1. Mai 10, 2013 à 9:09
  2. Mai 10, 2013 à 3:56

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